
What is a Natal Chart

When Will You Marry

Ever wonder why some women like Liz Taylor marry many times, while others never do? The truth is; some people have more love karma promised in their horoscopes than others. Liz Taylor has a Libra rising and her chart ruler (Venus), is in her house of relationships. Venus is heavily aspected; (conjunct Uranus, trine to Jupiter and the Midheaven and square to Pluto). Add on passionate Mars, (the ruler of her house of marriage) in romantic Pisces (in her 5th house of romance) and you get a of Wine and Roses - type scenario that can rival any soap opera! No matter where your Venus is, what house your ruler is in; you can still discover much about your personal love karma by following some simple astrological rules. For instance; the more planets you have in the 7th house of marriage or 5th house of romance; the more opportunies you have. The rulers of the 5th and 7th house are heavily aspected you will find plenty of opportunities to merge with another. Venus is heavily aspected by Mars is another indication. However if it by square or opposition; expect much friction and trouble. Venus is well aspected by other planets; you can expect good love karma. Venus is sextile or trine Neptune; you may your soul mate in this life time. Yet if it afflicted, you may have a difficult time finding them. Otherwise, you may be duped and swindled in affairs of the heart. Simply because you are only able to see the good in others. It works best if you find a spiritual or artistic mate. With a Venus and Saturn in good aspect, you can find a steady loyal mate. If Venus is in Hard aspect to Saturn; you may put up with another; instead of enjoying them out of a misdirected sense of loyalty. Venus sextile or trine to Pluto; you are destined to become passionate with someone; perhaps powerful? Yet if Venus is afflicted by Pluto you may become involved with someone already taken or married. Otherwise your partner may cheat on you and bring you much heartache. Venus is highly elevated in your 10th house, you may marry well. Your Ascendant ruler is in the 8th house of joint finances and well aspected; you will benefit from your partner. It is an angle of fate; otherwise know as the part of sacred relationships. Once you note the degree of your vertex you may discover important people in your life have their Sun, Moon Replica Louis Vuitton key holder, Venus or Ascendant conjunct yours. You should honor these relationships as they have much to teach or share with you. You may experience a great gravity with them; especially if your vertex conjoins their south node or Ascendant. John Lennon and Yoko Ono had a double whammy Vertex/ Ascendant. I personally feel that solar arc directions are morepowerful. Once you find the rulers of these houses, you will find opportunities come your way when they send or receive solar arc directions. The most common solar arc progressions for marriage are; Venus well aspected to the ascendant or midheaven. Transits, progressions and solar arc directions will be active the year you marry. Both transits and progressed or solar arc Lunar positions will be active in the year you marry. However the converse progressed or solar arc Moon is more frequently shown. Sometimes the progressed or solar arc moon (forward and reversed) will meet your partner progressed or directed moon. Transits to your composite Sun/Moon midpoint will also determine when you will marry. The composite Sun/Moon midpoint will be active; especially if another Sun/Moon midpoint conjuncts yours. Check the progressed or solar arc directed Suns to see if they fall on the composite Sun/Moon midpoint.
What is a Natal Chart?An astrological natal, or birth chart, is a graphic and mathematical representation of the planets in the heavens at the precise moment of your birth. Astrology, if explored from a psychological or scientific level, has nothing to do with belief. It's practical. It has to do with gaining knowledge and doing experiments. One is to identify the strengths and abilities we have which we can capitalize on. HotNews PJMY12XIAOXU0827 :

