
education from basketball legend Michael Jordan

education from basketball legend Michael Jordan

Students at Village Christian Academy on Wednesday got an unexpected lesson in the importance of education from basketball legend Michael Jordan.
High School Principal William Warren said the visit was kept secret so it would be a surprise for students. Jordan's niece and nephew are students at the academy.
Jordan spoke to an assembly of about 850 students in the gymnasium on the importance of a college education, even if they want to do something that doesn't necessarily require one.
Eleventh-grader Hillary Summers said she was nervous and excited about seeing Jordan in person.
Hillary plays basketball and is hoping to attend UNC-Chapel Hill on a basketball scholarship, following in Jordan's footsteps.
"I asked him what he did every day to stay in shape and help keep up his game," Hillary said.
Gracie Vestal, a seventh-grader, just wanted to give Jordan a hug.
"I asked him for a hug and he kind of laughed and walked over and hugged me," Gracie said.
After that, Jordan told the assembly no one else could ask that question.
"He might not have hugged me if he knew that," she said.
Jordan also told the students the importance of mentors and said he still talks with Dean Smith, the former men's basketball coach at UNC, on a weekly basis.

