
as accidents can happen in a split of an eye. If the phone rings or if there is someone at the door

by Li Jin

Everyone loves the scent of a freshly bathed baby! Keeping baby clean not only keeps him healthy and happy but also protects him from infections.
Many new parents are nervous about bathing their new babies because they are afraid they might hurt or drop their baby accidentally. The good news is that babies are really not as fragile as they look!
The trick is to start slow. Once you have captured the basic techniques, you find it getting easier each time. With practice, it becomes not only a breeze but also turns into one of your favourite time of day when you can bond with baby!
Here are some of the most common questions parents have about bathing baby cheap Louis Vuitton Handbags, and tried and tested tips:
1) How soon can I bathe my baby?
Some doctors suggest that babies whose umbilical cords have not fallen off should be sponged instead of being given a bath. However, this need not apply to all babies. Babies can be bathed after birth as long as you can handle it. Just remember to dry the umbilical cord area carefully after every bath to avoid infections.
It helps to be prepared before you start. Remember your baby might catch a cold easily, so do get everything you need laid out in the room before bringing baby into the bathroom, such as diapers or nappies, clean clothes, baby lotion or powder and nappy cream. Turn off the fan or air-conditioner to keep the room draught-free to avoid baby catching a chill.
Fill the baby tub with lukewarm water and a few drops of baby bath. Take off his clothes in the room but leave his diaper on to avoid any peeing 'accidents'. Wrap him up warmly in a towel.
Tuck him under one arm and start by washing his face and head. Put a small dab of baby shampoo on his head and wash his head with your hand or a small wash towel. Then test the water temperature with your wrist or elbow to make sure it's just right.
Remove the towel and baby's diaper. Splash some water on baby's chest first to get him oriented before lowering him completely into the tub of water. Once he is in the water, support the back of his neck with one arm while he kicks around. With the other free hand, wash him gently with a small towel.
Remember to wash behind his ears and between the folds of his chin as these are spots where milk and dribble tend to accumulate. Also open his palms and wash between his fingers as they can accumulate a surprisingly large amount of lint. Wash the eye areas carefully with a corner of the wash towel.
Then lean baby forward on your right arm to wash his back. Give him a quick back rub with the wash towel and rinse the soap off his body. Carefully lift baby and wrap him quickly in the large towel.
Towel baby dry thoroughly especially at the folds of the skin and around the groin area, where there is a tendency for nappy rash to happen. Apply some barrier or nappy cream around the genital area and quickly put on baby's diaper or nappy. Then apply some baby lotion or power over baby and dress him up to keep him fresh-smelling for the rest of the day or night!
5) Should I bathe baby before or after feeding?
Some mothers like to feed their babies before bath-time, which is not advisable as the baby would end to vomit in the bath. It's better to feed baby first thing in the morning, then allow some play or rest time in between before giving baby a bath.
6) How long and how often should I bathe baby?
Babies get cold quickly, so keep bath time short even though your baby looks like he's enjoying every minute kicking and splashing. A quick tip: finish bathing baby before the bath water gets cold (which is about 5 minutes).
Some mums bathe their babies only once every morning, while others like bathing baby twice a day, especially if the weather is hot and your baby perspires a lot. There are no hard and fast rules.
7) Is there anything I should be careful about?
If you're worried that baby will get too slippery to hold, use less baby wash or use the wash towel to grip baby firmly. Also, never leave him alone in the bath or on a changing table even for a few seconds, as accidents can happen in a split of an eye. If the phone rings or if there is someone at the door, wrap baby up and take him along with you.
The most important factor in keeping baby clean is in keeping him dry, as dampness will attract germs and infection. HotNews XIAOXU0825 :

