
Diseases and Conditions

Diseases and Conditions

Losing hearing power over a short span of time or at once is called sudden hearing loss or sensorineural hearing loss. It is often caused by dysfunction of the inner ear, the cochlea, the nerve that transmits the impulses from the cochlea to the hearing centre in the brain or damage in the brain. Externally, within the external auditory meatus or ear canal and internally within the middle ear. Within the middle ear the simple epithelium gradually transitions into ciliated pseudo stratified epithelium lining the Eustachian tube now known as the pharyngotympanic tube becoming continuous with the respiratory epithelium in the pharynx. The most important group is the amino glycosides (main member gentamicin). Extremely heavy hydrocodone (Vicodin) abuse is known to cause hearing impairment. Once the head is cool, it performs its functions smoothly.

