
Beware of Fraud NGOs

Beware of Fraud NGOs

India is a culturally diverse country with a variety of differences which in turn give way to an equally varied number of problems and social evils. Though Government has become more active day by day in introducing programs to fight with these social evils yet the reach of Government in most cases fail to be an all pervading one. Indeed, it becomes sometimes difficult for the Government to reach to the grass root level where the problems like child labour, mal-treatment of old people and oppressions on women are more rampant. Thus, came in some NGOs with a zest to serve the society and contribute to a noble cause. This is no doubt the sentiment behind the formation of the Indian NGOs working in the interiors of the country.
However, the saddest part of the whole thing is the fact that every thing that exists has some advantages and disadvantages of their own. And same is the case with NGO in India. With the passage of time, along with the genuine NGOs, there came along quite a few fraudulent ones as well, whose sole interest is to make money in camouflage of noble work in whatever way possible. We all know that any organization needs money for its effective functioning. And thus these silver papers gave birth to a lot of fraudulent activities among NGOs. No doubt there are many people who would like to contribute in some way for some noble cause, but the question that arises is how they determine a NGO which is genuine. With so many fraudulent NGOs been exposed till date one needs to be aware of the genuineness of the organization before plunging in it to join. There are may NGOs in Meerut that are doing real good work for the cause of women and deprived children. Yet one should undertake some basic level of investigation before putting in their heart and soul on the activities of an NGO. It is not only that we need to be only aware of the fraudulent NGOs and remain far from them but also we need to expose them so that other people like us become aware of them. Such fraudulent activities can only be restrained by more and more genuine active participation from people from all walks of life.

