
A replica one or An authentic One

A replica one or An authentic One

Have you bought a replica coach handbag? If yes, how much do you pay for it? When talking about replica products, the first thing come into people's mind is their price is very low. Is it true? I am afraid I can not agree it.
We all know online shops are our best choice if we want to buy replica product, such as watches, sunglasses, and handbags. Why? Because selling fake designer products are illeagal in USA. The seller will cause a very serious problem if he is charge by the designer company. But in Korea, India or China, it is another thing. People do not thing there is anything wrong in it. Actually people in USA also do not think it is wrong. It does not hurt any people. But law is law. That is why there is no local shops sell such replica products. But there are plenty of online shops sell such products. If you have a computer, you can input somewords in your search engine. And you will get thousands of results. Choose one of them.
What is the price for a replica handbag? It actually depends. Some online shops price their products for over $200. It is really a high price. With $200, you can almost buy a discount authentic Louis Vuitton bag or buy a latest Coach handbag at full retail price. Why the replica seller put their products at so high price? One reason is that they do not know what's exactly the situation of designer market in USA. They usually think all the designer bags are sold for over $2,000. But only seldom brands of handbags are sold at such high price, Like Prada and Chanel. Most designer handbags in USA are sold between $300- $1,500. Some bags are only sold about $200, like Coach. So imagnine which one will you choose if the price is similar between a replica and an authentic. I think most people will choose a right answer: the authentic one.
Another reason why the replica seller sell his products at such a high price is because the bags are made of good material and of great craft. Some sellers even claim all of their material are from Italy or USA. And the material they use is exactly the same as those used by designer companies. Of course, it is not true. Every designer company has very strict use of their material and will never allow the material flow into replica sellers. But I have to admit that the quality of a $200 replica is extremely excellent. At least 98% the same as the authentic one. If you are just an ordinary buyer, you can not distinguish it. They really have amazing quality. So for a $200 replica chanel bag, the price is quite attractive, comparing with the original price of over $2,000. And it is also worth to buy a $200 replica Louis Vuitton handbag. Because a genuine Louis Vuitton handbag is also very expensive. But if you want to buy cheap coach purses, some problems happen. You should know even an authentic coach bag will only cost you $300. So it is not worth to buy a $200 coach replicas. But if there is a coach outlet store online" quotes his coach bags at $70, then it is very hard to choose. The price is quite attractive.

